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■51 / 1階層)  Re: fail to load PmGraphicsDX9.dll
□投稿者/ Pierre -(2007/05/26(Sat) 21:49:00)
    Dear mizkaz.

    Thank you for interest in ToyStudio.

    I'm afraid I have no experience of AppLocale, but the error can be with DirectX Runtime.

    Please download "ToyStudio 2006_12_21dx.lzh" and extract that.
    Try to update DirectX Runtimes by excuting "DirectX9/DXSETUP.exe" once.
    Because it seems that DirectX Runtime has differences in minor versions.

    And what type and language of OS are you using ?

前の記事(元になった記事) 次の記事(この記事の返信)
←fail to load PmGraphicsDX9.dll /mizkaz 59.jpg/260KB →Re: fail to load PmGraphicsDX9.dll /mizkaz

Nomal fail to load PmGraphicsDX9.dll / mizkaz (07/05/26(Sat) 02:07) #50 59.jpg/260KB
Nomal Re: fail to load PmGraphicsDX9.dll / Pierre (07/05/26(Sat) 21:49) #51 ←Now
  └Nomal Re: fail to load PmGraphicsDX9.dll / mizkaz (07/05/28(Mon) 16:09) #52
    └Nomal Re: fail to load PmGraphicsDX9.dll / Pierre (07/05/29(Tue) 18:48) #53 対応済み

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